We arrange for a company to film our shows, so that you have the chance to purchase a DVD, Blu-Ray or digital non-live stream* to keep as a memento or give to friends and family.

Each show will be filmed if there are enough pre-orders – You can pre-order your DVDs for SNOW WHITE now via the website www.allmediaworks.co.uk.  Do let us know if you need the password. 

Past shows can also still be purchased from the same website – again let us know if you need the password.

*The stream will be released at the same time as the DVDs & Blu-rays. It will available to watch via the website for 9 months on up to 3 devices within the same household. If your purchase was in advance of the stream release, after 9 months, there will be an opportunity to download for long term access before it is removed from their site. You will receive email notification when the stream is live on your account and again when it is available to download to your own storage.

Please note that this company is not affiliated to HCTG in any way. They are a separate and independent company, so please direct any queries or questions to them.


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In addition, we also have a professional photographer taking pictures at some of the performances – both on the stage and behind the scenes!  You can see some examples of photographs here and on our gallery page.

The kids love it!

Pictures will be available for you to view on-line and purchase, either in a print form or digital download.

If you would like to see the photos, please contact us and we will send the relevant link and password.

Please don’t share the password and please don’t post any photos on social media.

Andy says “There are a lot of photos to go through. Sorry! But I try to capture as many children in the performances as possible.  Unfortunately it’s not always possible to get everyone. Sometimes they close their eyes at the moment I took the picture, so might not be included. I couldn’t make all the performances – apologies if you had a child in one of the shows I missed.  Hopefully next time! You’ll know you’ve seen all the pictures when you see ‘back to top‘”.

The company doing this is completely separate from HCTG, so we would ask that you direct any questions to Andy himself. His email address will be on all the photos when we send the watermarked versions to you after the show!

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