Saturday afternoon
"B" Class

Classes at Harpenden Academy with Jonas

Term starts on 7 September

Every Saturday from 2.00 – 3.00pm
Except 2 Nov, 21 Dec and 28 Dec

Please note that we will lock the doors once the class has started.  If you are late, please knock or buzz on the door to be admitted (or wave at the window). 

Please don’t hold the door for anyone you don’t know.

We ask all parents to ‘drop and leave’. We have your mobile numbers in case of any emergency.


all children must attend both shows below



 wednesday 22 january at 5.oopm (the “cast show”, not for a public audience)


SunDAY 26 January AT 6.00PM


There is no dress code for classes.  Please wear appropriate clothing for moving around
You will get more information later in the term about scripts, costumes and buying tickets to watch the show.
Lyrics will be available on the website as we learn the songs:

Other information can be found on the website ( and they explain the rules and what you’re agreeing to when signing a child up to our classes. For example, it is expected that parents offer to help in some way during the week of the shows. Please book some time off during show week. A sign-up form will be sent out nearer the time. Please expect to chaperone at a performance your child is NOT in. In most cases you will need to have a current enhanced DBS certIficate (ie issued within the last 3 years or on the update system).  If you do not have a DBS check, we can process the application on your behalf, and, if you register with the update system it will be valid forever and for other organisations.  (At present this costs £12.99 – let us know if you would like to go ahead with this.)  With 6 months advance warning, hopefully you can put things in place to make yourself available. If you haven’t done it recently or ever, it’s your turn next! This is always hugely appreciated.

It also explains how we need commitment from the children and parents throughout the term (particularly in the 2nd half of term as we get near to the performance).  We know that there will be certain circumstances when a child has to miss the occasional class; we find that if a child misses too many classes, they lose confidence and do not enjoy the experience of the show as much as they otherwise would.  Missing more than 4 sessions during the term is not advised.

Unless we hear otherwise, it is assumed that this page has been read and agreed before the start of term.

Please let me know if you don’t want photos of your children to appear on the website or in local publications/papers. If I don’t hear from you, it is assumed this is OK. Names are never used.

Parties And LAMDA classes

If you would like more information about Parties or LAMDA classes, please give us a ring or check our website!


We will be organising holiday workshops in the Easter and Summer holidays for children aged 3-6 years and for children aged 7-12 years
Click here to book on

Social Media

You can follow us on FACEBOOK:
And our INSTAGRAM page is: hctg_harps